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Exclusive ready-made logos for sale from Shifthirty

Sold: 1    Total: 4 Logo


( Muhammad Ashif Birqi )

Hallo, ich bin Ashif Birqy, ein erfahrener Logodesigner mit mehr als 3 Jahren Erfahrung. Ich habe mehr als 100 Logo-Design-Projekte für verschiedene Kunden erfolgreich abgeschlossen. Mit einem modernen, minimalistischen Stil, bin ich verpflichtet, professionelle Logos zu erstellen, die das Ihre einzigartige Identität und Markenvision widerspiegelt.
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Buchstabe M modernes Gebäude

Letter M logo form modern building. Perfect for the construction, living room, real estate, hotel, digital agency, design studio and architecture industries.



The deer logo is suitable for natural fashion brands. Has the meaning of glory power and majesty. Very easy to remember and easy to apply in various media. This logo is suitable for a variety of branding purpose.

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Legal company logo consultants advicate suitable for legal company Has the concept of fairness honesty and profesionalism Has a modern visual form & profesionalism Very suitable for legal consulting firm/advokat.


Logo einer professionellen Anwaltskanzlei

The Logo is right for a law firm has a lot of simple and modern impressions
Has an elegant and professional impression
A symbol of balance
A symbol of Integrity
A symbol of honesty

