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Exclusive ready-made logos for sale from Freeman Studio

Sold: 1    Total: 7 Logo
Freeman Studio

Freeman Studio

( Rizal F. Freeman )

Hallo, ich bin Rizal F. Freeman. Ich habe eine große Leidenschaft für kreative Dinge, bei denen ich Kunst und Innovation zusammenarbeiten kann, um die Probleme der Menschen auf einzigartige Weise zu lösen. Nehmen Sie Kontakt mit uns auf, wenn Sie ein Problem im kreativen Bereich haben.

St. oder Ts

The letters T and S are designed with a modern concept. A monogram logo that is suitable for various types of businesses.



A unique logo with the concept of a baby in a swaddle in the shape of the letter i or a lollipop. Logos that are suitable for businesses with a target market of children.



A combination between skull and UFO, creating a unique and remarkable logo that make people curious. Suitable for a cafe, fashion or tech industrion.



The logo is a combination between a skull and a mic with it's stand. Which of these two things makes it a suitable logo for horror podcast, etc.


Gruseliges Konsolenlogo

Best logo for a streamer, especially who plays horror game.


Das Gentleman-Logo
Das Gentleman-Logo

This logo is designed for a GENTLEMAN with elegant and classic color touch that make it into a real GENTLEMAN who has his own identity.

Sold Out


A Suitable logo for horror podcast

