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Exclusive ready-made logos for sale from Tatungasep

Total: 4 Logo
Das Detektiv-Logo

The detective logo is designed in a simple way so it's iconic and easy to remember. One red eye describes the accuracy in finding the information needed, and the other eye seen with a magnifying glass describes the detective icon. This logo is very suitable for brand logos for information search agents or for other logos.



This logo is designed in the form of a mask and an octopus. This logo can be used for seafood restaurant brands, animal logos, art logos. or for other purposes.


Küken- oder Hühnernudeln

This logo is designed by combining two objects, chicken and noodles. This logo can be used for livestock brands, chicken lover communities, food businesses or other purposes.


Fisch und Vogel

This logo is a fish and bird logo, minimalistic designed to be memorable and iconic.
This logo can be used for food brands, restaurants, pets and for other purposes.

